Category Archives: Blog


We are the Nation’s Leading Provider for Mobile On-Site Eye Exams and Eyewear. Optical Academy blog provides daily eye care information and tips.

What is the rarest eye color in humans?

Among the spectrum of eye colors found in humans, green stands out as the rarest,

Understanding Your Eye Prescription

‍Photo by Clker-Free-Vector-Images on Pixabay ‍An eye prescription is a document issued by an optometrist

Finding the Best Eye Doctor Near Me

Finding the right ‘eye doctor near me’ can be a pivotal step towards safeguarding one

Viral Conjunctivitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Best Practices for Treatment

Viral conjunctivitis, commonly referred to as pink eye, is an inflammatory condition that doesn’t discriminate,

Conjunctivitis: A Comprehensive Guide

Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is an inflammation of the thin transparent layer of

7 Tips to Find the Best Eyewear for Your Needs

Selecting the right eyewear can be a daunting task given the plethora of options available

Understanding 20/10 Vision: A Comprehensive Guide

‍Image Source: Pexels ‍When it comes to vision acuity, 20/20 vision is often hailed as

Understanding the Role of an Ophthalmologist

Ophthalmology is a specialized field of medicine dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of eye-related

8 Tips to Taking Care of Your Eyes: Tips for Healthy Vision

Maintaining eye health is essential for good vision and overall well-being, especially in today’s digital

12 Eye Care at Home : A Comprehensive Guide to Maintaining Optimal Vision

‍Your eyes are one of the most crucial organs in your body, providing you with

20/13 Vision: A Comprehensive Guide

The topic of vision and eye health can be quite complex, with myriad conditions, measurements,

Insight Eye Care: 12 tips to Maintaining Healthy Vision

Your eyes are the gateway to experiencing the world in its full glory. They enable